Confessions of an over caffeinated voter — November 4, 2008

Confessions of an over caffeinated voter

This morning I had the jitters already and I haven’t had my high-octane coffee yet courtesy of Starbucks.  Between my counter arbitration to my non-believer acquaintances and casting my ballot, I’m definitely blacklisted into any flake-republican sponsored dinner party.  Oh well, they never liked the wine I bring in a sippy carton box anyways.  What a bunch of snobs!  Not to mention the “gizzard” dish I brought in on culture night.  The invitation said “authentic dish from a country of your choice” like the ring leader slaved over  “Coq Au Win” French version of the American drunk-chicken I thought my dish was by far scores high on authenticity but no one liked it. 

    So today I voted “Yeahbama”  as oppose to “Nobama” (I know I’m still going against the grain) I had the urge to raise my fist in the sky and do the “ocho-ocho” dance I once saw on cable – not sure either Wowwoweee or Gigante Sabado channel then I remembered I’m a member of PTA so I must act like a proper citizen and I didn’t want to risk being tased in public.  No part deux of “Don’t Tase me Bro!” with me, as the starring role and I didn’t want to be cited for “electioneering” within certain yards or feet from the voting poll.  The flake-repubs are very careful on how they represent themselves in public.  They’re so eerily put together like Cindy McCain or Dick Cheney he always looks so fresh after a good day of hunting or my acquaintance  (insert his or her name here) I had no idea until this election that he/she is so narrow minded (that’s me saying it mildly).

     So thank you readers.  In which some of you are subjected to look into my cluttered noggin.  Last time I canvassed politically full force, I was in high school.  I was a registered young Democrat and no I didn’t mind licking envelopes for Dukakis.  Our headquarter was located to now replaced by Sam’s Club on a (fill in the name) Blvd.  The over-zealous, narrow-minded Repub-retards conjured up a flame within me.  You should see my e-mail transcript.

     On a serious note I shall leave you with this from 1972 Lyndon B. Johnson addressing Civil Rights.

     Let me remind you that history is cruel to those who wants to leave this world a better place.  Keep inspiring.

Thriller! — October 31, 2008